International journal of medical case report  (IJOMCR) is open access, a peer-reviewed medical journal. It is going to be published in English and the frequency, for now, is four times a year (quarterly) in January, April, July, and October. We, the members of the editorial board of IJOMCR strive to publish case reports pertaining to various specialties and subspecialties of medical subjects in IJOMCR. Submission to IJOMCR is totally free. No fees are asked from the authors for the evaluation and review process of the paper.

The journal’s primary aim is to publish high-quality original case reports. However case series, brief communication as well as a letter to editors will also be considered for publication depending upon the quality of their content. One of the important types of publications in IJOMCR would be evidenced-based medicine since we all know that with rapid advances in medicine the management of various disorders is changing drastically. These changes take time to be incorporated in medical books and hence their publication in scholarly journals becomes important as to disseminate it to medical professionals. Preference will be given to research papers based on evidence-based medicine. Its immediately and unrestricted availability online on websites journals will also be ensured.

The aim of the journal is to disseminate the scholarly work of our authors to the world without any restrictions. IJOMCR will follow an open-access policy which will make it possible for everyone, who is interested, to not only have immediate, unconditional, and all-time access to the papers published in the journal but also have the right to share them with members of his or her peer group. IJOMCR also gives the right to the scholars to use the research papers published in this journal provided that the research work is properly cited and the authors are duly acknowledged. The goal IJOMCR believes in is free and unrestricted access to scholarly work which may transform someone’s life in any corner of the world. We would be publishing case reports and case series keeping in mind this goal of it being beneficial to all mankind.

Manuscripts basically need to be submitted to the journal via an online system that has guidelines for submission as well as forms to be submitted. However, in case of difficulty in submission the authors can contact the editor-in-chief who then will assist the authors with the online submission system.

The target audience of the journal consists of resident doctors, medical professionals, clinicians, medical residents as well as undergraduate medical students. 

The evaluation and publication processes of the IJOMCR conforms to the guidelines of ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), IJOMCR also endorses and strives to conform to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing ( The journal endorses and strives to conform to the standards as prescribed in  ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics), EASE (European Association of Science Editors), and WAME ( World Association of Medical Editors) guidelines

Statements, opinions as well as inferences drawn by the authors reflect the scholarly work of the authors. While editorial, as well as double-blind peer review process, is done with the purpose of testing the inferences in the light of current medical knowledge publication in no way can be seen as the opinion of editorial members or the reviewers of the paper and JMCR does not hold any responsibility whatsoever for publication of any scientific paper.

We strive to index IJOMCR in various indexing services as the journal evolves over a period of time.

IJOMCR holds the international copyright of all the scholarly work published in the journal.