Plagiarism is a menace every prestigious journal has to fight on daily basis. Plagiarism is a form of copying that is not only unethical but also illegal. It deprives the original author of its due acknowledgment. Unacknowledged use of someone’s work in any form is a serious threat to scholarly journals. Plagiarism may manifest in many forms and may range from simple copy-pasting (which is easy to detect using anti-plagiarism software) to changing words here and there but copying the essence of someone else’s scholarly work (difficult to be detected by anti-plagiarism software). It must however be clearly understood that Giving reference to someone else’s work and properly citing it (as is usually done in the discussion part of any scholarly paper) is not plagiarism.

We request all the authors who want to submit their scholarly work for publication in the journal of clinical and medical research to take the following steps to avoid their article being rejected for plagiarism

  1. Do not copy from someone else’s work.
  2. When you use someone else’s work for reference duly acknowledge the authors.
  3. When in doubt it's better to have more references than to be accused of plagiarism.
  4. Even when discussing similar studies always use inference in your own language and then acknowledge the source. 
  5. If possible check the content of your paper for any advertent plagiarism using various anti-plagiarism software such as Turnitin or plagiarism X.


International journal of medical case reports follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) ( All the authors are responsible for ensuring that the paper they submit is free of any plagiarized content. As part of this effort, IJOMCR requires that all authors sign a statement stating that the paper they are submitting does not contain any plagiarized content. The presence of any plagiarised content will cause a swift rejection of the paper. It must be understood that even if the authors use their own content which has already been published then it is to be cited properly exactly similar to standard citation protocol.

If any plagiarised material is found in any paper submitted to IJOMCR then to ensure a fair hearing to the authors an explanation will be sought from the corresponding author who after consultation with other authors may reply to the queries related to plagiarism raised by the journal. If the explanation given by the authors is found to be satisfactory then the paper can be further processed otherwise in the majority of the instances the paper will be rejected. Such papers will not only be rejected but the editor in such instances may prevent the authors from future submissions to IJOMCR.


JMCR Anti-plagiarism Committee Members:-

Dr. Md Ashfaque Tinmaswala

Dr. Ajeet Gopchade

Dr. Shilpa Hegde

Any member appointed by the editor in chief.