• Author Guidelines

Editorial Policy

International journal of medical case reports strives to publish case reports and case reviews related to various specialties as well as subspecialties of medicine. It emphasizes the publication of evidence-based medicine in a rapidly evolving scenario. case reports, case series, case reviews and short communications will be accepted for publication provided that they conform to the scope of the journal and successfully pass the editorial as well as the double-blind peer-review process. Manuscripts being submitted to IJOMCR must be original and unpublished anywhere in past and should not be under consideration for publication by any journal anywhere else. Plagiarised papers, as well as salami publications, will be summarily rejected.

International journal of medical case reportsvwants their authors to go through Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals," as cited in N. Engl. J. Med., 1997, 336: 309-15. These requirements ensure that the medical publications globally conform to the highest standards of publication and is available at http://www.icmje.org


Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts submitted to the International journal of medical case reports must be accompanied by a covering letter which must clearly state the type of paper i.e, case report, case reviews or case series.  The covering letter should also contain a statement stating that all contributing authors have gone through the final contents of the paper and approved the final draft of the paper. 

Every paper must also be accompanied by a copyright transfer form as given on the website of the journal. The copyright transfer form essentially seeks to transfer all copyright ownership to journals of medical and clinical research. It has to be signed by corresponding author who on behalf of him/herself as well all other authors undertake and agree to transfer all copyrights to IJOMCR. 


IJOMCR accepts the following forms of manuscript 

Case reports

Case Series

Cse Reviews

Review articles

Short/Brief communications


Review Procedure

Every paper submitted for consideration to be published in the International journal of medical case reports will pass through various processes that include plagiarism check, editorial review, and double-blind peer review. The peer-review process is described on the website of the journal.

General Requirements

Manuscripts that are in English are only accepted for publication in IJOMCR and manuscripts in any language other than English will not be considered or further processed.
The paper should preferably be typed using Microsoft word and an A4 layout should be used. A margin of at least 3.5 cms should be kept from all sides. Times new roman font should be used and font size should be 12. There should be double spacing between lines.


Ensure following things before submitting a case report to international journal of medical case reports.


Review Journal Requirements: Begin by thoroughly reading the author guidelines provided by the PubMed indexed medical journal you're interested in. Familiarize yourself with the specific formatting, structure, and ethical considerations they expect for case report submissions.


Title and Abstract: Craft a clear and concise title that accurately reflects the case's essence. Write an informative abstract that summarizes the case's background, presentation, interventions, and outcomes succinctly.


Introduction: Provide a brief introduction explaining the significance of the case and its relevance to current medical knowledge. State the objective of your report and briefly highlight the uniqueness of the case.


Case Presentation: Describe the patient's history, initial presentation, and any relevant physical examination findings. Include pertinent laboratory results, imaging data, and diagnostic procedures. Ensure chronological order and clarity in presenting information.


Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions: Detail the diagnostic process, outlining the reasoning behind each step. Describe the treatment plan, including medications, surgeries, or other interventions. Justify your decisions with evidence-based references where applicable.


Outcome: Present the patient's progress and outcome of interventions. Discuss any complications, unexpected results, or challenges faced during the treatment. Include follow-up data and any long-term effects.


Discussion: Analyze the case within the context of existing medical literature. Compare and contrast your findings with similar cases previously reported. Highlight what makes your case unique or contributes to medical knowledge. Address potential limitations and biases.


Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways from the case and its implications for clinical practice. Emphasize any lessons learned or insights gained.


Ethical Considerations: Ensure you have obtained informed consent from the patient or their legal guardian before submitting the case report. Anonymize the patient's information to protect confidentiality.


References: Compile a comprehensive list of all references cited in your case report, adhering to the journal's preferred citation style.


Formatting and Style: Follow the journal's formatting guidelines for fonts, margins, headings, and other stylistic aspects. Use consistent terminology throughout the report.


Figures and Images: If applicable, include high-quality images, graphs, or charts that enhance the understanding of the case. Ensure proper labeling and accurate depiction.


Proofreading: Thoroughly proofread your case report for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and clarity. Consider seeking feedback from colleagues before submission.


Authorship and Acknowledgments: Clearly define the contributions of each author and acknowledge any individuals or institutions that provided support, resources, or assistance during the case report preparation.


Submission: Follow the journal's submission process, which may involve uploading your case report, abstract, cover letter, and any additional materials through an online submission system. 

Abbreviations and symbols:-

Do not use abbreviations except for units of measurements. If at all abbreviations are used then they must be used in the CBE style manual. When exhaustive terminology needs to be used repeatedly then its first use should be full name followed by the abbreviation in brackets which then can be repeated in the ensuing article. 

Drug names: 

International journal of medical case reportsdiscourages the use of brand names of any drug and generic names must be used unless different brands of a drug are being compared in a study in which case brand names can be used. 


Tables must be made in Microsoft word and images of tables are not desirable. Each table must be cited in the text at the appropriate place. One common mistake which needs to be avoided is that the content of the table should not be described in text rather supplement the text. The titles of tables should be brief, informative, and precise. Statistical data such as, mean. Standard deviation and p values should be incorporated into the tables whenever necessary.


One of the most important parts of any paper is its illustrations and images. It is particularly important in cases of research papers dealing with imaging. The illustration should be of high quality and proper arrow marks must be placed in cases wherever necessary. Legends of all images, as well as illustrations, must be brief, informative, and precise. There must not be a repetition of illustration data into text and vice versa. 

All illustrations, as well as images, must be cited in the text at appropriate places. All images and illustrations will become the property of the journal upon its submission.

Submission Format:- 

Case Series/Case Report/Brief communication: Maximum 1500 words excluding title page and abstract. The abstract should be unstructured and must not exceed 150 words. Minimum 4 keywords should be included after the abstract. The total number of tables and figures usually should be limited to 3. A maximum of 10 references should be given.   

Sections of Paper:-

Case Report :- (1) Title Page (2)Unstructured Abstract (3) Introduction (4)Case Report (5) Discussion (6) Conclusion (7) References.

Brief communication :- (1) Title Page (2)Unstructured Abstract (3) Introduction (4)Case Report (5) Discussion (6) Conclusion (7) References.