Early and Aggressive Management of Severe Paraquat Poisoning in a 17-Year-Old Female: A Rare Case Report.

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Priyanka Ahire
Brijesh Vidja
Pravin Lohar


N, N′-dimethyl-4, 4′-bipyridinium dichloride (paraquat) is a commonly used synthetic, nonselective contact herbicide. Ingesting of paraquat in significant amount can cause severe effects on the lungs, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, kidneys, liver and heart and in many cases may prove to be fatal. Currently, there are no specific antidotes, and none of the existing treatments have been proven effective. The prognosis remains poor globally and even with aggressive treatment, mortality remains high. Despite its widespread use as an herbicide, there are very few reported cases from India. We hereby report a case of 17-year-old girl who presented to emergency department with an attempt of suicide by ingestion of paraquat. This case emphasizes the importance of early intervention and aggressive management to prevent fatal outcome.


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How to Cite
Early and Aggressive Management of Severe Paraquat Poisoning in a 17-Year-Old Female: A Rare Case Report. IJOMCR. 2024;5(3):9-12. doi:10.5281/zenodo.12743328

How to Cite

Early and Aggressive Management of Severe Paraquat Poisoning in a 17-Year-Old Female: A Rare Case Report. IJOMCR. 2024;5(3):9-12. doi:10.5281/zenodo.12743328

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